Waihopai Toetoe Community Partnership Fund
Funding criteria for Waihopai Toetoe
- consideration will be given to all funding requests, however requests must be not for profit and demonstrate community benefit.
- the board will give preference to applications that directly
- benefit the community board area and align to the community board plan outcomes.
- applications for salaries and operating costs will not be considered.
- there is no cap on the amount applicants can request. Co-funding is preferable, but not essential. This will be assessed on a case by case basis.
- more than one quote is preferable, but if not possible to get more than one quote an explanation why will be sufficient.
- applicants may be requested to speak to the board about their funding request.
- applicants do not have to be a legal entity to apply.
- the Board can grant money ‘subject to the balance of the funding being secured’.
A united, engaged community where people are valued, our assets are nurtured and our heritage and environment is respected.
Community outcomes
- A thriving, healthy and safe community with access to quality facilities, amenities and services.
- Our community is connected and engaged.
- Our unique, natural environment is healthy and protected.
- Our communities have the opportunity to celebrate their history and heritage.
Any queries to:
Gordon Crombie
Community Liaison Officer
You can submit the form by post to Southland District Council, PO Box 903, Invercargill 9840 or drop it into your nearest SDC office or email it to funding@southlanddc.govt.nz
Closing date: 31 March and 30 September each year
2 February 2023