Do you need a consent?
Work needing a building consent
The following list is a summary of building work that will need a building consent, but you should always check with Council to confirm.
- structural building - including additions, alterations, re-piling and some demolitions
- plumbing and drainage where an additional sanitary fixture is created (some repair and maintenance may be exempt)
- relocating a building
- installing a woodburner or air-conditioning system
- retaining walls higher than 1.5 metres (3.0 metres in rural area if designed by a chartered professional engineer)
- fences or walls higher than 2.5 metres, and all swimming pools and their associated fences
- decks, platforms or bridges more than 1.5 metres above ground level
- sheds greater than 30 square metres in floor area (sheds between 10 and 30 square metres will still need the help of an LBP or engineer or must use lightweight material in accordance with Acceptable Solution (B1/AS1)
- some earthworks.
Council will also advise if you need a resource consent or any other legislative requirements that need to be considered such as bylaws.
MBIE has good guidance on this subject under check if you need consents, including information on failing to have a consent when one is required. MBIE have released guidelines on sleepouts not requiring a building consent. You can find information about this here.
If you have completed work under Schedule 1 it is good practice to inform Council of the work completed in order to keep your property file up to date. Please use the Notification of Exempt Building Work form.