How long does it take to get a building consent?
Factors affecting the timeliness of your consent
From the point your council receives your complete application, it has 20 working days to process your application (as set out in the Building Act).
How long it actually takes within that 20 days can vary and might depend on:
- whether you make a good application (easily understood and accurate)
- the complexity of your project.
The complexity of your project and whether or not you have provided full and complete, correct and site-specific information will influence the overall processing timeframe. If information is found to be lacking, the time clock is suspended and not restarted until all the requested information is provided.
A building consent application may be refused if we do not receive information within a timely manner or if the application is of poor quality. MBIE gives some guidance on helping to provide a good quality application. Building consents will be granted within the statutory timeframe of 20 working days.
Your building consent application may require checking by several departments.
You are able to track the status of a building consent through the ObjectiveBuild electronic lodgement portal. We strongly suggest that you accept the collaboration invite from your agent (received via email) on ObjectiveBuild to make this easier.
7 February 2023