About the private plan change

On 27th August 2024, Blue Sky Meats (NZ) Limited lodged a private plan change request with the Council. The request seeks a change to the Operative Southland District Plan by rezoning approximately 46 hectares of current General Rural Zone land in Woodlands/Morton Mains to a General Industrial Zone. This would enable Blue Sky Meats to operate as an industrial site.

On this page you can find all the information on the plan change request, including material that has been made available at each stage of the application process.

For further information contact the team on 0800 732 732 or by email to: Environmental.Policy@southlanddc.govt.nz

Map showing the proposed site

The plan change process

  1. Application Preparation: A detailed application will include all required information specified in Part 2 of Schedule 1 of the RMA, including an assessment of environmental effects and any necessary technical reports.
  2. Submission: Private submit a plan change request to the district plan.

  1. Initial Review: Council staff review the request and may ask for additional information or commission reports if necessary.
  2. Modification: Council staff can modify the request with the permission of the private if appropriate.

  1. Consultation: Council staff must consult with relevant parties, including iwi authorities, as required under clauses 3 and 4A of Schedule 1 of the RMA. This consultation will need the CE or Council approval. This consultation is only if the Group Manager Strategy and Partnerships (GM) decide to adopt the plan change as a council-resourced project.
  2. Consultation: If the GM decides to accept the proposal to be notified as a non-council-resourced private plan change, consultation under clauses 3 and 4A is not required.
  3. Public Notification: After the Group Manager Strategy and Partnerships decision on adopting, accepting, dealing as resource consent, or rejecting the proposal, Council staff publicly notifies the plan change, allowing for public submissions.

  1. Submissions: Interested parties can make submissions supporting or opposing the plan change, including a further submissions process.
  2. Hearings: A hearing may be held where submitters can present their views. The council considers all submissions and evidence presented.

  1. Council Decision: The council, in a formal Council meeting, makes a decision on the plan change request, which can include approving, modifying, or rejecting the request.
  2. Appeals: There is an opportunity to appeal the council’s decision to the Environment Court if necessary.

  1. Plan Change Becomes Operative: If approved, the plan change is incorporated into the district plan and becomes operative.

Latest update

Update 27 August 2024 application lodged

This application is currently being reviewed to ensure the information is adequate for public notification. Once this has been completed and any required information received it will be taken to Council to be considered for notification.

If Council decides to accept the Plan Change it will be publicly notified and opened to submission.

Application content