• Media release

27 Aug 2024

Lake Te Anau

Southland District Council has adopted its Long Term Plan for 2024-2034

Public consultation from 5 June to 5 July formed a key part of the process. Council received 312 submissions and 32 submitters presented during two days of hearings at the Wallacetown Community Centre on 16 and 17 July.

Council deliberated on the submissions on 24 July and resolved to proceed with its preferred option for each of three key proposals for water services management, levels of service for roading and glass recycling. Following submissions, adjustments were made to some of the proposed targeted rate changes (roading and halls). A change was also made to the Revenue and Financing Policy included in the final LTP to reflect Council’s decision to provide 30% general rate funding towards Te Anau Airport Manapouri.

In addition, changes were also made to the LTP financial information to reflect other decisions made since the consultation document was prepared. The impact of these changes meant that the proposed average rate increase for 2024/2025 reduced slightly from 13.66% to 13.18%. This final figure is a median increase. Some properties will be rated more and some less, depending on a range of factors including the type of property, its location, the services provided in respective areas, and the capital value of the property.

Following adoption of the LTP, Council also resolved to pass a rates resolution that enables it to set rates for 2024-2025.

Mayor Rob Scott told the meeting this week “it’s a process we’ve been going through for the past 18 months in a very fluid environment, especially looking at the uncertainty around where the three waters were going to end up.

“It’s been a challenge to get to this point but we have gone through a very robust process … We will continue in our role to provide prudent governance of this organisation, delivering the best for our ratepayers.”

Read the plan here

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