• Building news

12 Mar 2024

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We had our first meeting with the Industry Focus Group in February. We really appreciate those who put their hand up to take time from their very busy lives to be part of this.

There were some great discussions from everyone in the room and, as we already knew, we all want the same thing, finding ways of doing business together more simply, consistently and with good open lines of communication.

One of the things which came up was knowing who is who and how to get hold of people. We are almost at the stage where we can start giving out individual numbers however, in the meantime we are going to introduce you to our Leaders Team and give you some contact details for them so you have a direct line to someone technical if you need it.

Elle Dickson

Team Lead Compliance

Elle Dickson

Elle leads a small team of two compliance officers. Their focus is on earthquake prone buildings, building warrant of fitness’, existing compliance schedules, dangerous and insanitary buildings and much, much more!

Elle loves a good game of netball and has a huge love of dogs, in particular her own Buster, Disco, Charlotte, Minnie and Lenny.

Jo Ward

Team Lead Coordinators

Jo Ward

Jo leads a team of seven who answers your calls and emails and completes all the paperwork to make sure it gets out the door to you. They cover the BCO team as well as the Compliance team so are incredibly busy. Jo is the first point of contact if you can’t get hold of anyone in the technical team and does all the communications out to you.

Jo can be found out and about in the weekends singing in her duo BackChat and loves hanging out in the yoga room (and finds it very strange writing in the third person!).

Scott Belesky

Team Lead Processing

Scott Belesky

Scott is one of two team leads for the BCO team. He primarily looks after the processing in the office, allocating workloads, regular audits, answering questions and completing processing himself. If you were needing to talk to someone about any processing concerns then Scott is your guy.

Scott does everything at 100 miles per hour, well at least he can run a 100m sprint pretty darn quick! Ask him about his medals and representing New Zealand.

Mike is our other team lead for the BCO team. He primarily looks after the inspections team. He makes sure they are safe and sound out on the roads and ensures there are enough to go out on any given day. If you were needing to talk to someone about any inspection concerns then Mike is the one to call.

Mike loves hunting and can be found training for his big trips walking around town with a hefty backpack! Mike has all the stories, just ask him about a pet goat he had …

Julie Conradi

Manager Building Solutions

Julie Conradi

Julie is the manager of us all. She is in the middle of keeping things going on the ground and relaying the great work we are doing with our higher ups. She helps prepare us for audits, makes sure we are working towards compliance and deals with any of the ugly stuff.

Julie is originally from Australia (but we don’t hold that against her) and loves exploring the beautiful south, experiencing new places, tasting great food and enjoying a good mulled wine in the winter.

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