Boil water notice, Eastern Bush Otahu Flat reticulation network
11 Jul 2024
Water from the Eastern Bush/ Otahu Flat reticulation network must be boiled before human consumption. Boiling water is strongly advisable in times of high rainfall and/or excessive high turbidity. All water used for drinking, food preparation (including infant formula), or personal use (such as brushing the teeth) must be boiled before use.
From time to time we have to issue boil water notices for areas in our water supply network. This is nothing to be too concerned about as long as people follow the advice. There are different reasons for a boil water notice, including concerns that your drinking water source may have been contaminated with flood water. Flood water can contain disease-causing bacteria and protozoa, or other contaminants. Boiling your drinking water will ensure all bugs that may be in the water supply are killed.
The Eastern Bush/Otahu Flat scheme has been put under a boil water advisory notice because it often has high turbidity of raw water from the river.
The notice is intended to remain in place until the treatment plant is ungraded in 2026/2027. The upgrade will allow the treatment plant to cope with variable river conditions.
Thank you for your understanding.