First instalment rates delay
12 Aug 2024
Southland District Council ratepayers are advised that the first rates instalment for 2024/2025 will be sent to you a month later than usual.
The first instalment, which would usually go out at the end of July for end-of-August payment, will be sent out in the first week of September for payment by 27 September.
The second instalment will be sent out at the usual time in October for payment in November.
We acknowledge there will be a shorter than usual turnaround between the first two rates demands for the year. This is unfortunate, but unavoidable.
The unique delay is due to the later-than-usual adoption of our Long Term Plan (LTP).
SDC, like other councils throughout New Zealand, chose to take up the government’s offer of delaying the adoption date of our LTP because of the repeal of the Waters Services Act, which handed ownership and the costs of providing three waters services back to councils. The delay allowed us time to recalculate out budgets for the next 10 years before we adopt our LTP in August.
As has been widely publicised, it is proposed in the draft LTP that district rates will increase this year by an average of 13.66%. For some properties it will be more, and for some it will be less. You can calculate the predicted rates for your property on Southland District Council’s website:
Please go on to the website to have a look at what your rates bill is likely to be so you can start planning for the coming year. If you find yourself in financially challenging circumstances, please call us on 0800 732 732 or send an email to before the instalment due dates. Our friendly team is here to help set up a suitable payment option.
If you are currently paying your rates by weekly/fortnightly/monthly direct debit, the direct debit will continue at the same amount for now and will be adjusted after rates are set.
For instalment direct debits the amount will come out on 27 September, once you have received your first instalment notice.
Proposed 2024/2025 rates instalment payment dates
Instalment 1: 27 September 2024 Instalment 2: 29 November 2024
Instalment 3: 28 February 2025 Instalment 4: 30 May 2025
Rates rebates
A rates rebate is a partial rebate for eligible, low-income ratepayers. If your property received a rates rebate last year 2023/2024, you will receive a 2024/2025 application form in the post in early July.
You do not need to wait till you receive your delayed rates notice before you return your rebate application. We can add the rates amount information onto your form once we get it back from you.
The sooner you return the form, the sooner the rebate can be processed and applied to your rates account.
Simply fill in the form with your details and your income information for 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024 and return the form to one of our offices, or post it to PO Box 903 Invercargill 9840.
If you need any assistance in filling out your form, have questions about the proof of income required, or the application itself, please contact our team on 0800 732 732 or
Application forms are also available at any SDC area office or library. Find out if you are eligible by visiting