Filming in Southland
Drone or major production, we need to hear from you.
The Southland District Council is committed to supporting the film industry. The place we proudly call home is our greatest asset and we love sharing it so we’re keen to assist your filming endeavours.
Southland’s unique and diverse landscapes are a fantastic backdrop to capture. However, regardless of whether you’re simply launching a drone for a few minutes or undertaking a major production, we need to hear from you.
Approval from Council may only be given for Council-owned or controlled land. Whether its streets, roads, parks, playgrounds, recreational areas, environmental reserves, parking lots or even footpaths, we manage all Council property on behalf of ratepayers no differently as you would a private landowner.
So you need to seek permission. This enables Council to ensure natural elements and infrastructure within our region are protected and there is minimal impact on the community through filming protocols and guidelines. Read the Guide to filming in Southland and the approval submission form
If you are planning to use a drone the Use of Drone Policy outlines our stance on the use of drones on or above Council-owned or controlled property. Apply to fly unmanned aerial vehicles in restricted circumstances.
16 December 2022