What is a compliance schedule?

A Compliance Schedule is a document issued by the BCA that lists the specified systems (for example, automatic fire sprinklers, fire alarms, lifts, air conditioning systems) within a building and the performance standards for those systems. The Compliance Schedule also states how the systems will be, inspected and maintained to ensure they are performing in accordance with the performance standard to make the building safe and healthy for people to enter, occupy or work.

A Compliance Schedule is required for a building that:

  • Is not wholly a single household unit (for example, commercial and industrial buildings but not stand-alone houses) and contains one or more specified systems (including cable cars)
  • is wholly a single household unit and has a cable car attached to it or servicing it.

Building consent applications are assessed to determine whether specified systems are being added, altered or removed as part of the project. When the consent is issued, a list of all the building’s specified systems and their respective performance standards are included in the consent. Compliance schedules as a result of building work are generally issued with the Code Compliance Certificate (CCC) however, if a CPU is applied for and issued, this may result in the issuing of a draft Compliance Schedule prior to obtaining CCC.

A Compliance Schedule must be kept onsite unless at another place by mutual agreement with Council. It must be made available to Building Control Officers, IQPs, and authorised agents at all times.

NB: Where a Compliance Schedule has been issued for the first time, a compliance schedule statement (Form 10) is also issued by Council. This is a temporary public notification of compliance with the compliance schedule requirements and is replaced after 12 months by the Building Warrant of Fitness.

Compliance schedule statement

A Compliance Schedule Statement is issued by the TA and serves as temporary notification of compliance schedule matters. It lists the specified systems and advises where the compliance schedule is kept. A Compliance Schedule Statement must be displayed in an area where it can be seen by all building users. It is issued at the same time as the Code Compliance Certificate (CCC). It must be replaced every 12 months with a Building Warrant of Fitness (BWoF), which is issued by the building owner.

What buildings need a compliance schedule?

Under the Building Act 2004, all buildings (other than single residential buildings, unless they have a cable car) require a compliance schedule and an annual Building Warrant of Fitness (BWoF) if they contain specified systems.

Specified systems are crucial to the health and safety of a building and those who use it. As a building owner it is your responsibility to ensure the systems are inspected and maintained according to the compliance schedule

A compliance schedule is a document issued by the BCA that identifies the required maintenance for buildings which have specified systems. This is essentially a maintenance contract between the Territorial Authority and the building owner that these systems will be maintained as is necessary for ongoing compliance with the Building Act 2004. You should apply for a Code Compliance Certificate (CCC) as soon as possible after all work has been completed in order to be issued a compliance schedule and open your building to the public. This is an important document and must be retained in the location stated on the compliance schedule as agreed upon.

Getting a compliance schedule

For new buildings, an application for a compliance schedule should be made as part of the building consent application where the building will contain specified systems.

For existing buildings where, specified systems are being added, altered or removed, a building consent application is required.


You can apply for a compliance schedule amendment where a building consent is not required by completing the Application for amendment to compliance schedule Form 11 and forwarding it to building-cs@southlanddc.govt.nz.

Applying for a compliance schedule

Your agent for each specified system should provide you with information relating to the performance standards and the inspection, maintenance and reporting procedures for each specified system contained within the building at the time the application for building consent is made.

Frequently asked questions

Yes, depending on the alleged offence, the fine ranges from $20,000 to a maximum of $200,000.


Could I be prosecuted for not obtaining a compliance schedule or if my Building Warrant of Fitness has expired?

Yes, depending on the alleged offence, the fine ranges from $20,000 to a maximum of $200,000.