Local Government Official Information request
Who can make a request?
Under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987, anybody can make a request for information held by Southland District Council.
Requests for information
We are committed to openness and transparency and aim to make processes and information accessible on our website through reports and consultation.
If the information you are looking for is not readily available, you can submit a request for information.
The information that can be requested includes, but is not limited to, policies, procedures, decisions, rationale behind decisions, the decision-making process, images, maps, files, and records.
Timeframe for responses
We will acknowledge your request as soon as practical after receiving it. By law, we are required to respond within 20 working days.
If your request is approved the information will be provided to you as soon as practicable.
You will be informed as soon as possible if:
- we cannot respond within 20 working days
- we need more information, or clarification about your request
- the information is held by another government organisation, in which case your request will be transferred.
Withholding or declining to provide information
We will provide information unless there is a good reason for not releasing it. We are entitled to consider not releasing information if it would:
- prejudice the maintenance of law
- endanger the safety of any person
- breach the privacy of any person
- disclose confidential or commercially sensitive information
- cause serious offence to Tikanga Māori
- disclose the location of Waahi Tapu
- breach an obligation of confidence
- prejudice public health or safety
- prejudice Council’s right to legal professional privilege
- prejudice the commercial activities of Council or negotiations being carried out.
If you disagree with a decision to withhold information, you have the right to contact the Office of the Ombudsman.
Costs associated with requests
There may be a charge to process a request for information. Charges are issued according to the government’s reasonable charging guidelines and we will discuss cost with you before any work is carried out. If you agree to the charges, some or all of the cost will need to be paid in advance.
Information on government guidelines around charging can be found on the Ministry of Justice website and from the Office of the Ombudsman.
How to make an official information request
While the quickest way to submit a request is online, using the link below, you can also do so in writing or by contacting customer services at any Southland District Council office. Ensure your request includes:
- your full name
- your preferred contact details
- specific details about the information you are requesting.
Phone: 0800 732 732
Email: lgoima@southlanddc.govt.nz
In-person: See office locations and opening hours
Official information requests 2024
Below are the 2024 responses to LGOIMA requests organised by topic.
30 August 2024