District Licensing Committee
Under the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012, each council must have at least one District Licensing Committee to consider alcohol licensing matters in its area. These committees have replaced District Licensing Agencies.
The committee is made up of a chair and two members. The quorum of the committee is one for unopposed applications (which are dealt with by the chair), and three for opposed applications and for applications for temporary authorities. The Council currently has one District Licensing Committee.
Chairperson and also appointed to the combined list:
Cr Paul Duffy
Deputy chairperson
Deputy Mayor Christine Menzies
Acts as chairperson if the chairperson is unable to act.
District Licensing Committee members of the Gore District Council and Invercargill City Councils
Appointed at any time when the chairperson and deputy chairperson are unable to act.
Members, and also appointed to the combined list:
Cr Jaspreet Boparai
Cr Tom O’Brien
Combined list members:
The Southland District Council has a combined list of members with the Gore District Council and Invercargill City Council, as follows:
Cr Paul Duffy, Cr Jaspreet Boparai and Cr Tom O’Brien from Southland District Council
Gore District Council Licensing Committee members – to be confirmed
Cr Darren Ludlow, Cr Ria Bond and Cr Lesley Soper from Invercargill City Council
Southland District Licensing Committee Secretary
Group Manager Regulatory Services.
A District Licensing Committee will be formed by the Chief Executive under delegated authority when a quorum of three is required. The appointment of members will depend on the application that the Committee is required to consider.